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Tuesday, October 25, 2022




 By a TV Show critic

Beauty Wars Logline

Kolkata, 25th October, 2022: Indian Cosmetology teams compete for a  Rs. 500,000 prize doing makeovers in various settings across the country. The show has been broadcast every Sunday at 9 pm. Each week, teams will be assigned a different location to find individuals who will provide the most stunning results when offered fashion, hair, and makeup services. The audience will vote via Twitter, Facebook, telephone, or web for the best team based on the makeover results. To stay alive for the grand prize, each team must carefully select their participants and convince them to go along with that week’s theme. For example, week one might require the team to find a male and a female with long hair and convince them to cut it short. Celebrity makeup artists and fashion designers will also weigh in on the results and offer professional critique of the design teams. Scoring will be similar to Dancing with the Stars, where both set of votes will count. The excitement of different sets lends a feel of The Great Race while incorporating the challenges of The Apprentice.

The Show on TV:

The show was slotted on 24th October at 8 in the evening. It had a thorough public relations activity being carried out for over a month. The viewers count passed well over 10 millions at the peak. It went on for over three hours. The nature of beauty shop gossip adds to that Big Brother appeal. Additional elements of the show  included: 1. Video blogging of content that does not make each week’s episode 2.  Behind the scenes interviews with contestants and their participants 3.  Instagram feed of steps of the makeover prior to the big reveal on competition night. The show was off with a two-hour slot and a one-hour results show for the contest. The end twist that is not revealed to the contestants. It was a visit back to the participants to see if they were still sporting their new look or if they had reverted to their original choices. Bonus points awarded for success added to their the balance and offered an eliminated contestant a chance to compete in the final round.

The Purpose and Motivation

The cosmetics industry has a world wide appeal to the highest number of consumers, especially the young people. The industry is also growing at a great pace. The fund comes from them. Their profit sky rockets from the upstream marketing. The purpose of the show is to create a massive number of fan base.

The audience in general are made aware of the need to look good. They are given this message that any one can look good if one follows the strict regimen.


No doubt, this world is suffering from the vice of abundance. This is the third generation having their enough resources to keep themselves secured lifelong. Thanks to their accumulated wealth. Now comes the need to compete for looking good, being impressive before the world and take it on their stride. The show has been a success for this generation though it side lined the need to sustain this beauty through the rigours of dieting and Yoga.

Disclaimer: Images have been taken from Google sites.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022




People have this impression that working hard can help us achieve our dreams and aspirations. But finding what’s better between hard work and smart work is quite a debate. Hard workers are very consistent. They would not budge until the goal is met. They do not gauge the progress; they only love continuing their work with labour. Hard work refers to putting in strenuous hours with orientation largely on quantity with no innovation and flexibility. It’s more routinely and monotonous. Deriving pleasure out of it is impossible. Often satisfaction takes a back seat. A person’s perspective of how they do activities is referred to as “working hard.” This is related to specific characteristics such as punctuality, perseverance, and flexibility. Others may regard you as hardworking if you come to work early and leave late to do your duties, for example. Manual work or mental activities that require a lot of thinking are frequently involved in hard work. Completing things takes a lot of effort or endurance for hard workers. Some people regard hard work occupations to be entry-level or tasks that you take before moving on to a less physically demanding role.

If both intellect and hard effort are combined, one may achieve tremendous heights and live a better and more pleasant life. In due time, such a person will receive all of the honours and respect he or she deserves. The reason for this is that a planned strategy that incorporates both smart and hard effort can help you achieve your objective. Hard work will never pay off if you aren’t astute. As a result, it is advised that smart work and hard work (Smart Work versus Hard Work) be combined wherever possible.

Smart work refers to finding effective and efficient ways to complete one or multiple tasks while also managing time and quality both. It explores effective ways to accomplish work, be it delegating, prioritizing or organising the working process in a smarter way. Since, smart work aims to manage time effectively; it can achieve end goals within the deadline and without compromising with the quality. Smart work has a more holistic approach to tasks than hard work. Despite yielding results, working hard incurs lots of time and energy while working smartly includes more work in a lesser amount of time. Working smart includes having better judgment, thorough planning and meticulous organisation to execute the work at hand. Smart workers come up with creative and rational ways. They are being adaptable to situations. They are being spontaneous in their actions and thoughts. They bear updated Knowledge of various prospects of the work. They have the knowledge of the networks. They are capable to make appropriate decisions at uncertain moments. They focus on improvisation. They know how and where to invest time and money.

Hard work necessitates a great deal of dedication and sincerity on the part of the individual, and it is not an easy path to pursue. No matter how difficult the circumstance is, a dedicated worker must continue to strive for what he considers to be worthwhile. The Hard Worker achieves success despite putting in long hours at work and forgoing many of life’s conveniences.

One can combine hard-working skills with brilliant work by planning the required tasks. As a result, this will allow for proper time management. Delegate the small jobs to someone else who is available so that one’s mind is free to focus on the critical tasks. Enhance the communication skills and keep track of quality instead of quantity of work.

“The Crow and the Pitcher,” is a perfect example of hard Work vs. smart Work.  This does not negate the need for hard work; nevertheless, inventive work can change the game when hard work is no longer effective. Despite time constraints, people who work hard are goal-oriented. Unfortunately, because they are unaware of how dynamic the situation is, their intense concentration frequently leads them astray. This is the time when all of your efforts will be rewarded.

Smart professionals employ innovative approaches. If you work wisely, you’ll frequently search for shortcuts to help you achieve your objectives faster and with less effort. Depending on the individual or the business, the perception of someone who works intelligently may alter. A computer programmer, for example, could automate programming jobs so that they don’t have to create distinct code for each one. If one uses one’s intelligence and analytical thinking skills properly, one can achieve the goal in less time and with less resource and energy usage. If one combines both smart and hard work, one can achieve tremendous heights and live a better and more comfortable life. This will eventually help one gain well-deserved praise and attention. A systematic strategy combining smart work and hard work is necessary to achieve one’s goal. As a result, it is recommended that smart work and hard work be integrated whenever possible, as they both complement and fill in for each other when needed.

Disclaimer: Images are taken from Google sites




History is all about the past. In almost every country, city, town and village throughout the world, a large number of existing buildings were built in the past to meet the needs and aspirations of people, now dead. This is most obvious in existing temples, churches, mosques, fireplaces, houses, public buildings, and so on. The systems of governments, political ideas, religious beliefs, art, architecture, cultural practices, educational systems, customs and behaviours are all products of the past, recent or remote. By definition history is a continuous, systematic narrative of past events relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc. It is written in a chronological order. It is important that history per se must be a true and factual record of events as they happened. This implies that history must record all the good, bad or ugly that may be associated with any period of time, event or personality. Opinions, perceptions or commentary on history and historical events should not be construed as history as they will vary from individual to individual.

History is precisely the study of this human past. The past is our heritage; we are part of it and the past is part of us in all aspects: Be it culture, behaviour, religious faith and practices, be it rituals, be it the tradition of political, social and economic systems. It is reflected in our day-to-day living. It moulds the outlook of the younger generation. By turning the past into a narrative, history creates a public ethos and influences culture. From architecture to film, and from ancient India to Partition etc it encompasses aspects to give a clear idea of the past.

It provides societies and individuals with a dimension of longitudinal meaning over time which outlives the human life span. It connects us with our past. History also allows us to peep into the future by providing precedents for contemporary actions and forewarning against the repetition of past mistakes. From its sense of continuity, history offers the apparent form and purpose to the past, the present and the future. 

As memory is to the individual, so history is to the community or the society. Without memory, individuals find great difficulty in relating to others. We all move ahead through the past of our own cultures, own civilisations, and values and it is this accumulation of ideas and experience, transmitted through education and sheer daily living that gives our thoughts meaning and the patterns and purpose of our actions. It is not that we live in the past but we are defined by it, and so the success of even the most forward-looking developments must inevitably rest on their relation to the ideas and practices of the society.

Problem of writing history: There is a tendency among historians to act as judges and give moral sermons. Historians must write and rewrite history. They are not supposed to be moral judges. Therefore, we must not forget that we cannot fully understand or appreciate the work of a historian unless we have first grasped the standpoint from which he himself approaches it, and that standpoint is itself rooted in social and historical background. A publicly shared past imparts a collective memory and identity. Textbooks are viewed as officially approved documents — even if they are privately produced and have no official sanction — and are therefore believed to be associated with state power. Significantly, they do shape the perceptions of the young because children are impressionable. There is no doubt that most history across the world has been written with a strong bias towards the victor and those in power. History of World War two is perhaps the best example where mainly British and Americans have been glorified and credited with achieving victory over Nazi Germany. Children depend on adults to learn about the past, and that is what makes history the most challenging school subject. The poorly taught history matters even more than well-taught history, simply because when history does not arouse curiosity or impart the tools of analysis, it creates an emotional barrier for further inquiry.

Indian History can be divided in five broad periods – Vedic period from 6,500 BC to 1,000 BC, Golden period from 500 BC to 800 AD, Muslim period from 1,000 AD to 1,700 AD, British period from 1,700 AD to 1947 AD and finally the period after independence in 1947 which may be termed as contemporary History of India. The first two periods from 6,500 BC to 800 AD have a lot of gaps and the available history is rather sketchy. Without a doubt there is a need to fill the gaps and add more details were available. Muslim and British periods, as also contemporary history of India, are fairly well chronicled and documented. Muslim and British period history is written mainly from their perspective as most historians were commissioned by them. Therefore, Indian perspective is missing and hence the need for correction and addition of details where required. History related to Indian freedom struggle does appear to be loaded in favour of Congress. It is all about Nehru and Gandhi while contribution of others like Sardar Patel and a host of others has been minimized. Those who were part of the struggle but disagreed with Congress, like Subhash Chander Bose, appear to have been given a short shrift. Contemporary history since 1947 is heavily biased with role and achievements of Congress party and its leaders being overstated while their follies have either been down played or omitted.

Given the situation in our country today, any move to change anything in history as it stands today will give rise to a fierce, and mostly meaningless, political debate. The task therefore must be entrusted to an eminent panel that draws on best available minds in the country. It must not have any political representation. They must be tasked to chronicle history as it happened and how it happened with logical deductions. They must avoid adding any personal commentary, interpretations or perceptions.

Disclaimer: Images have been taken from Google sites.

Monday, October 17, 2022





In Sep 2014 Modiji launched the Make in India initiative which is very good for our country's economic growth. Make in India means manufacturing of goods and services in India and exporting them to the worldwide market. Due to this, there is an increase in our GDP growth which is very important for knowing the economy of one country. This initiative provides employment to many people. Indian startups have grown due to the Make in India initiative.

Made in India- means the product is manufactured in our country which makes our country self-reliant. Make in India mission will increase GDP and provide more employment. As unemployment is a major problem due to the high population we should go for the Make in India mission. By Make in India we can export goods to other countries and limit import which helps to make our country more powerful and high economy. It is a major national programme of the government of India designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property and build the best manufacturing infrastructure in the country.

"Make for India' involves production for consumption in India itself. Given that India is one of the largest consumer markets especially in consumer durables and electronics, the concept of "Make for India' could be a game changer. It gives our growth an independence from the international economic dependence and also helps enhance the poverty levels in the country. It furthers the idea of constructing a synergetic production-consumption cycle in India itself. The primary objective of this initiative is to attract investments from across the globe and strengthen India's manufacturing sector for export. However, this ambitious plan was criticized by economists, one of whom was former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan. In a famous speech he warned against the possible liabilities and exposures in pursuing an export-led growth model. "Make in India' pushes the standpoint of an export-oriented growth. Leveraging India's inexpensive labour and other resources to keep costs low. It will boost exports to improve the domestic production base.

"Make For India' would be the shot in the arm the manufacturing sector needs. It will craete the ground swell which will "Make in India' succeed. By manufacturing essential technologies in India, the dependence on foreign players and companies would decrease, products and services will become cheaper in India. Indian companies will lead the manufacturing positions and portfolios for companies around the world. What is made for India, manufacturing of goods and services in India are sold in the Indian market only. They are not exported to another country hence it's not much beneficial for country's economic growth. It only provides employment and makes us 'Aatmanirbhar'.  Research and development with the use all the young, brilliant minds increase. It would also generate millions of jobs, both skilled and labour intensive, and would increase India's economic stature and overall self-reliance.

Made for India means the products made in our country. It is silent about enhancement of  export. Made for India is not much helpful because it will neither provide much employment nor increase GDP.

A good example of this might be seen in the consumer durables market itself. India is a huge consumer of electronic gadgets and products such as mobile phones, televisions, laptops and several other homes appliances white good. Almost all of this money is being pocketed by the international companies who manufacture the components of these products and send them to India, where they are only assembled. If the components were to be manufactured in India, this money would not only stay within the country, it will increase the south-east Asian markets as well.

Components and tools manufactured for India would mean they need to be stress tested for Indian conditions, which includes a wide range of use cases and environmental changes. India is a vast country with topical climate, desert heat as well as icy cold mountainous regions. Components and products manufactured for Indian conditions would automatically imply they would be applicable for a large number of countries around the world. This would further increase the capability of the manufacturing sector and produce globally recognised  Indian manufacturing companies.

The Road Block: This kind of hybrid, holistic model will require a quintessential pre-requisite in the form of domestic legal/financial as well as industrial reforms. It will also require amendments in ease of manufacturing. The monitoring and governing organizations for businesses in India, is still not expansion and innovation friendly, neither for Make in India nor Make for India. The reforms needed to smoothen the processes for both these models will be the key contributing factor to India becoming a global industrial power.

I still like to say that making in India is better than making for India. India is a developing country, it requires more employment. Hence more manufacturing units at the different parts of the country are required. The main purpose of this concept is to provide employment to people who are not much educated and not that skilled. It will create a lot of jobs in the next few years and will also help India not to rely on other countries. Our country will be self-dependent.

Economies do not grow linearly based on just a singular, specific model, however hard we try. India needs to create a hybrid, symbiotic model, starting with Make for India, which gratifies the domestic developmental shortfall, while offering significant space for global economic atmosphere. If India truly wants to achieve its $5 trillion economy goal, it needs to start making its own brands of popular electronic goods categories, that go on to make a mark in global markets. Our evolving industrial revolution essentially requires a strong blend of Make for India and Make in India.

 Disclaimer: Images are taken from the Google sites


  Hi, I'm Susmita . I've been teaching for about 30 years now. I taught at schools at the outset of my teaching career. So, you can ...