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Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 Peace of mind and Health are universally considered the greatest achievements in life. In the third world countries, especially in the south Asian region, for most of the families, surviving with a secured source of food, shelter and clothes is the chief source of concern. Hence, people here start their daily struggle to secure their physical existence since childhood. Children are goaded to read well, secure good marks, get a secured livelihood and look after their own family the way their forefathers did from penury to more penury. Poverty makes everyone apprehensive and they start cut throat competition for the infinitesimally small opportunity that exists. in the process, they give up all human quality and become self centered.

Though a very few manage to secure life by way of cosy income, they lose out the vital asset - peace of mind and happiness in life. Childhood spends their time after goal pursuit, youth, after climbing up the corporate ladder and by the time middle age sets in, people realise that they have achieved a few selfish relation that will not see them through in their old age wintry season till their last breath. They get a big zero and spend the entire life in sweet nothing.

Ask yourself a few questions. Will your offspring look you after when you are old and infirm, when you will require physical care and supervision? Will your children, after their day’s work, come to sit near you, ask your wellness of the day and tell you stories the way you did when they were little kids? If they are settled at a far distance, will they fly down to you once a while or video chat with you for at least an hour every day?

Remember, your money will not be able to buy you the care and love the way a true affection can do. Nurses, Midwife even a Doctor or Old-age-home care-givers will not satisfy you as much as your own children could do for their emotional ties, not for consideration. At this time around, one realises what one has accumulated all his/her life.

Money has three eventual outcomes - earning, preservation, expenditure. If you do not deposit love and care in your Bank of Emotion through dedicated love for others, you are going to be a broke in your moments of helplessness.

We enjoy peace and happiness by three ways. One is by the way to be in communion with Natural elements - rivers, sea, forest, hills, quiet natural ambiance. Second, by seeing, interacting with men, animals and other creatures. That’s why we keep pets, play with them, visit the zoo etc. Third method of deriving pleasure and happiness is through selfless, unconditional charitable services to these men, animals like feeding them, treating them medically to remove their ailments, providing them clothes, shelters etc.

We’re trained by conventional schools how to earn money. The westernised educational system makes us doctors, engineers, lawyers, chartered accountants etc. But, we do not get the training of preserving, maximising our income. We are never taught investments. Hence, what we earn, eventually is siphoned off by the clever 1% and the Govt by way of Income tax, inflation and mutual fund manipulations. We after our working life find out that we have not been able to accumulate any wealth. We've been able to save only the paltry little to see us through till our last breath. Then the son and the daughter will begin from where we’d started long ago and thus, the poverty lineage will continue.

From both money and relation point of view, we see that almost entire life we strive to get peace and happiness but end up miserably losing all one of them. That’s why we are seen desperately seeking temporary solace mongering in quick trips to hill stations, forest trips etc. We call them vacationing. Actually, it’s a desperate attempt to get the pleasure through Nature. Some of us are seen involved in charitable activities, donating in charitable trusts, NGOs to get the same happiness that we derive by feeding others unconditionally.

Best solution lies in the fact that children be given the idea of inculcating value, selflessness through their curriculum and class studies. Otherwise, we’ll continue to create insensitive Frankesteins which will again beget a bleak progeny.

[By profession this author is a 38 years' experienced private tutor. Visit to know more.

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  Hi, I'm Susmita . I've been teaching for about 30 years now. I taught at schools at the outset of my teaching career. So, you can ...